Thomas More and the Comedian

Thomas More and the Comedian

The date is May 1532. More has just resigned as King Henry VIII’s Lord Chancellor. He considers an alternative career choice.

The Facts

It's an actual fact that More was known as being a very comedic chap. They did say that he could make even the most solemn person burst into laughter. He was the king of dead pan and people didn't know if he was being serious or not.

He really did learn his oratory skills at Oxford and performed in short comedies or sketches and plays. During his time in the courts, he saw all the 'low life' of London and used that for material for his poetry. He loved Geoffrey Chaucer. The 'lines' spoken are really written by More.

The story of Edith the widow, was really written by his brother-in-law with a bit of help from More. He was known for his insults and those mentioned are indeed insults that he made up. His book Utopia really did have that plot. And the words mentioned really did get invented by More.

The story about Henry Pattinson, his fool is true. The dog story is also true as is the purse story. He really did consider the education of women as essential and encouraged his daughter to go into medicine.

Other Sources

If you want to find out more about More, check out the sources and places below:

The Life of Thomas More - Peter Ackroyd
Thomas More - R.W Chambers

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