The date is March 1512. King Henry VIII has just granted Margaret her petition and she is now the Countess of Salisbury in her own right. She is now one of the wealthiest women in England after many years of struggle after the death of her husband. She needs some advice on how to spend it all wisely.
The Facts
It's true that Margaret became one of the wealthiest women in England when her petition was granted. All the estates, lands and buildings named are ones that she really did own. She did indeed get brought up by her Uncle Richard III when her own Father was drowned in malmsey wine for treason.
When her husband Richard Pole died, she did become poor (relatively!) and struggled to bring up their children. The King did give her money and she did move to Syon Abbey. She was Henry's first wife Katherine's lady in waiting which got her a salary. Henry did have his eye on Bisham and he did own it after Margaret was attainted.
Warblingham Castle was indeed the only castle at that time to have been built by a woman's specifications. The items listed that she wants to purchase are items that we know she owned. And the list of all the staff that she needs is all accurate. She was very picky about her staff.
It's true that four of her manors were run by women, unheard of at the time. She did become a governess to Mary, Henry's daughter. She never wanted to remarry and spent a lot of her money arranging marriages for her children. Reginald Pole had his own run in with Henry. Gulp.
Other Sources
If you want to find out more about Margaret, check out the sources and places below:
Margaret Pole: The Countess in the Tower - Susan Higginbotham
Margaret Pole: Loyalty, Lineage and Leadership - Hazel Pierce
Faithful Traitor: The Story of Margaret Pole - Samantha Wilcoxson