Dr John Dee and the Astrologer

Dr John Dee and the Astrologer

The date is July 1592. Queen Elizabeth I is on the throne.
Dee has just had his 65th birthday and wants to know what his future holds so goes to visit an astrologer to have his chart done. Again.

The Facts

It's true that Dee had more than one astrological chart made up. He did indeed earn money by casting horoscopes for others. He did go to Cambridge and he was a priest. He was indeed called Doctor Dee because he combined astrology to medicine.

It's true that he kept a note of his wife's periods. He was indeed appointed as Royal Advisor in mystic secrets or Court Astrologer. He really did sign his letters 007 to show they were for the Queen's eyes only. He was indeed asked by Elizabeth to divine her future and Scot was arrested. He was known as the Great Conjurer and he did predict that we would need to change the calendar (which happened several hundred years later from Julian to Gregorian). He did believe he had guardian angels watching over him and Edward Kelly really did persuade him to sleep with his wife.

Other Sources

If you want to find out more about Dee, check out the sources and places below:

The Thoughts and Inner Journey of Dr John Dee - Clair Iles
The Queen's Conjurer: The Life and Magic of Dr Dee - Benjamin Woolley

Places to Visit:
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