Christopher Marlowe and the Taxi Driver

Christopher Marlowe and the Taxi Driver

The date is 30th May 1593. Queen Elizabeth I is on the throne.
Marlowe is on his way to the house of Eleanor Bull in Deptford. He’s running late so he flags down a taxi.

The Facts

It's true that Marlowe was killed in Deptford that day. He really did work for Walsingham as a spy and he had been arrested as an atheist. The names of his plays are as stated. As he says, proper writers didn't write for the masses, they had patrons. He was considered lowly because he was working class from Canterbury and he only went to school on a scholarship.

A lot of writers were spies. He was indeed used to trap people and generate evidence. He was always under surveillance as it was a double agent or at least people thought he was. The actors mentioned are all real. And the story of the Bradley duel is true as well.

Other Sources

If you want to find out more about Marlowe, check out the sources and places below:

The World of Christopher Marlowe - Professor David Riggs
Christopher Marlowe: Poet and Spy - Park Honan
The Reckoning: The Murder of Christopher Marlowe - Charles Nicholl

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