Bess of Hardwick and the Estate Agent

Bess of Hardwick and the Estate Agent

The date is October 1597. Queen Elizabeth I is on the throne.
Bess has just moved into Hardwick Hall and celebrated her 70th birthday.
An estate agent visits to value her newest property, now that renovations are complete.

The Facts

It's true that Bess was an entrepreneur and all the places and houses mentioned are real! All the works listed that she oversaw is true and the four marriages and subsequent wealth with each husband is also true.

It's true that she was nearly poisoned and that she looked after Mary Queen of Scots while under house arrest. Her son Charles really did have to climb a steeple to escape her ex-husband. The story about the housekeeper stealing all his property was true. She really was the richest woman in England after Elizabeth. She also lent money to people and when they defaulted she took their lands or properties.

Other Sources

If you want to find out more about Bess, check out the sources and places below:

Bess of Hardwick: First Lady of Chatsworth - Mary S. Lovell
Devices and Desires: Bess of Hardwick and the Building of Elizabethan England - Kate Hubbard

Places to Visit:
Hardwick Hall (image 4)
Chatsworth (image 2)
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