Arthur Tudor and his Sex Education

Arthur Tudor and his Sex Education

The date is November 1501.
Arthur is about to be married to Catherine of Aragon but he’s only 15 and his parents
(King Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth) are concerned about his ability to perform on the wedding night.

The Facts

It's true that Arthur was only 15 on his wedding night and it was essential for him to consummate the marriage. Namely because the Spanish wouldn't pay Catherine's dowry without it. The plan really was that they would spend their first night together and would then live apart for a couple of years.

It was true that Catherine was originally going to stay behind her veil when she met Arthur for the first time, but his father Henry insisted it was lifted.

It's also true that non-consummation of a marriage was grounds for annulment and this came into play when later, Catherine married Arthur's brother Henry and said that she and Arthur had NOT consummated the marriage. We may never know.

The bedding ceremony and the description of what would happen is true, including the blessing from the Bishop. And they really were going to check the sheets afterwards. What a job.

Catherine's brother Juan really did die in the marital bed aged just 19 of 'overindulgence'. What a way to go.

Other Sources

If you want to find out more about Arthur, check out the sources and places below:

Prince Arthur: The Tudor King who never was - Sean Cunningham

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